Filmmaking, gaming, technology.


“Free To Play” is Valve software feature documentary following 3 Dota 2 e-sport pro players!

PRE-VIZ: Skate commercial – Decks

This commercial would be so fucking cool if we can just get it animated and finished!

This is one of the older versions of the pre-viz. The black bit in the middle hasn’t had  the pre-viz inserted.

Almost skateboards – double impact!
The idea: 3 skater crash test dummies (vert skater, street skater and freestyle skater) test the board to it’s breaking point. The vert skater (BLUE) has jet packs, street skater (GRAY) has a suspension system on his legs to perform incredible jumps and lands and freestyle (GREEN) has hydraulic pumps to stress test the board.

I’m still having trouble getting it animated as everyone is way to busy. I’ve built everything and it’s pretty much ready for rendering. Below is the pre-vis and a few render tests and model views for the different skaters.

Here are some renders and viewport screenshots of the skaters.

Street Skater


Free Style-Front_Back



Vert Skater

Vert skater texture render tests:

Vert_chest_test_03 Vert_chest_test_02 Vert_chest_test_11 Vert_chest_test_10 Vert_chest_test_09 Vert_chest_test_07 Vert_chest_test_06 Vert_chest_test_05 Vert_chest_test_08


My VFX reel…

Here’s a VFX reel of my last few/current work in progress projects.

I’m really itching to show off the skating commercial!! 80% of the environment and assets are made and ready for rendering, all I’m waiting on is the animation… Anyone interested in giving us a hand? 🙂 We’re using Maya and V-ray. Once it’s done I’ll post the pre-viz animation and any other bits which seem interesting.
